You know you're capable of so much more and you're ready to uncover what's been keeping you from the abundant?


"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance to the full, till it overflows." John 10:10


You’ve been putting

your time, heart, and energy into your business, but you keep hitting roadblocks...

...and you know it has to do with your mindset but you're just not sure how to figure it out.

I’ve been you. And every other high-achieving servant hearted woman has, too. You’re not afraid of hard work and you want to trust the process, but for some odd reason something is stopping you from reaching the next level with peace. 

Sometimes being a big dreamer feels like an emotional roller coaster… 

...taking one step forward, then three steps back feeling encouraged one minute and discouraged the next. It’s easy to think the answer is to work harder, do more, and learn more to achieve the next level of success. After all, that's the world we live in.

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

2 Corinthians 10:5

Here’s why you may be struggling:

You know you're capable of so much more but you're at a point where you refuse to pursue it without peace.

You've made investments in programs for things you thought were the answer but nothing has changed. 

You've been doing all the "good Christian girl" things to have breakthrough but it's not working

Sister friend... 

Until you get to the source of your Belief System, you’re going to continue to find yourself stuck in cycles, patterns, and stories asking yourself "What's wrong with me?".

You’ll never achieve the goals God has for you until you learn the tools to optimize your belief system and align your soul to Truth. 


Made to F.L.O.W. ™ Academy

A 12-week Group Coaching program for High-performing servant hearted women who want to optimize their belief system and pursue the abundant life they know is possible without sacrificing the things that matter most. Jesus paid it all to set you free. It's time for you to live it!

Goal Setting & Dreaming with God

Dreaming with God without fear, doubt, and insecurities is the first step. “Where there is no vision, the people will perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) Set goals aligned with God's will so you can replace your sense of doubt with a sense of confidence and flow. The world needs what you carry!

Mindset, Heartset, & Soul-care

Get rid of the stories that are on repeat in your head, specifically the lies deep in your subconscious. Learn how to “take your thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5) by applying Biblical Principles and Brain Science to rewire your brain to live out God’s truths.

Community & Support

 Not only do you get weekly group coaching calls with Heather, you also get a private members only support system of high-achieving women invested in your growth and ready to cheer you on. Having a genuine safe faith-filled community to grow in is one of the most precious gifts as an entrepreneur and we are so excited to welcome you into ours!


"I’ve never had a coach that’s as lovely, as supportive, as encouraging… but also smart and wise. Her wisdom comes from a Biblical perspective and that’s incredibly important to me. I have loved every minute of this experience.”

- Kari

"Made to F.L.O.W. Academy really helped me recognize the lies I was believing so that I could line them up against God's word and speak truth over myself. I am now able to change my thoughts, which have changed the actions I take. If you're hesitating, just say yes! It's life changing and applicable to all areas of your life, not just business!"

- Meaghan

"Heather's teaching and coaching has changed my life forever. I love how the other girls say "YOU ARE STUCK WITH ME FOREVER". I feel the same way now that she has walked me through a major breakthrough!"

- Becky

What You Get When You Say Yes, Right Now:

  • Weekly Group Coaching calls & Q&A with Heather
  • A step-by-step strategy to take your thoughts captive, be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
  • Learn the 5 Principles to F.L.O.W.™ with Holy Spirit no matter what obstacles are in your way
  • Master the Restoration Roadmap™ so you can regulate your nervous system and re-align your body, soul, and spirit back to the Father's heart
  • A community of like minded high-performing entrepreneurial women who are growing a business with Jesus, too
  • Biblically based strategy to scale your business with peace & confidence (priceless!)
  • 100 Biblical Declarations to speak over your business, life, and family

Why should you trust me when it comes to mindset and achieving your goals?

Sister friend,

I spent years building successful businesses yet I was burnt out and soul-tired. I was overwhelmed and full of mom guilt. It took me losing it all to find Jesus' all.

I had to get honest with myself and God about the lies I was believing that were keeping me stuck in cycles I knew were not serving me, my family, or the business I was given to steward.

This work is freeing. 
This work is holy. 
This work is necessary to pursue the promises of God.


I'm here to remind you that God did not give you your assignment to frustrate you and disappoint you.

It's the kindness of the Father that changes us. He taught me how to seek first the Kingdom Truth and trust Him. He deconstructed the lies I was believing about money, success, failure, time, myself and Him. He taught me how  to fulfill my calling from a place of peace, joy, and confidence!

This is why Made to F.L.O.W. ™ Academy was created! A program to help you uncover the subconscious beliefs sabotaging your peace and joy as a high-achieving woman. 

If you're ready to optimize your belief system and align your body, soul, and spirit with God's heart, we can't wait to see you on the inside! 

I’ve been able to look at my business and have joy doing what I get to choose without the pressure to perform. I’m living so whole in all areas of my life. I am thriving in all areas of my life. I’m so thankful for all that God has done.”

-Amie L.

Heather came into my life in a chapter I was feeling unsure and insecure. I know she is not just operating in her anointing but is lead by the Holy Spirit, because what I thought I had signed up for was something so much more than I even knew I needed. And that can only be done at the hands of a woman willing to put down her agenda and be lead by Him. If you are seeking more, Heather is a vessel and a inspirational, yet challenging guide to get you there!”

-Lindsay C.

I have to share lesson six has been transformative for me it’s insane. God showed me the common thread that runs through all areas of my life and business! I had no idea how much. Since releasing it, I actually feel a shift at a cellular level.” 

-Kristen O.

You Keep Saying This To Yourself:

“I know it's possible because I see others doing it but why am I not there yet?"

“I know what I need to do but I just can’t get myself to do it and I don’t know why!”

“I know I’m capable of so much more but I sometimes feel guilty for wanting more. Shouldn't I be content with where I am?”

“I know I'm the one getting in my own way but I don't know how to fix it.” 

But what would it feel like to...

Have a regulated nervous system, be in control of your mind and emotions, have a simple strategy to take your thoughts captive, and know you're in alignment with God's heart for you.

What changes for you when...

You have no more confusion or overwhelm because you’re confident and clear of the path you and God are on together

Your mindset and heart are in alignment with God’s plans for you and you’re excited to wake up and do what He’s created you to do

You don't let stress or fear throw you off course because you know the power and authority you've been given and know how to use it

You confidently take action and no longer get stuck when your new goals  stretch you because you know how to prime your brain for more


"The Made to F.L.O.W. Academy was exactly what I needed to complete the puzzle to why I could never see my endless lists of passion projects through to completion. Science has never been my area of expertise but Heather made it so easy to follow with tactical techniques that yield EPIC results. I am so thankful to have been part of the experience and recommend it to anyone who feels's time to F.L.O.W!"

- Tia F.

Your Investment

One-Time Investment Of $2997 $2497

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls
  • Made to F.L.O.W. Academy™ Program & Workbooks in Members Only Site 
  • 100 Biblical Affirmations & Declarations
  • step-by-step strategy to take your thoughts captive, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, speak life over yourself, your family, and your business, and map out God’s vision for you to LIVE it
  • Learn the 5 Principles to F.L.O.W.™ with the Holy Spirit no matter what obstacles are in your way
  • An exclusive private community of like minded women who are growing a business and life with Jesus
  • Freedom, Peace, Confidence, & Joy! (priceless)

Your Investment

3 Monthly Investments of $1000 $833

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls
  • Made to F.L.O.W. Academy™ Program & Workbooks in Members Only Site 
  • 100 Biblical Affirmations & Declarations
  • step-by-step strategy to take your thoughts captive, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, speak life over yourself, your family, and your business, and map out God’s vision for you to LIVE it
  • Learn the 5 Principles to F.L.O.W.™ with the Holy Spirit no matter what obstacles are in your way
  • An exclusive private community of like minded high-achieving women who are growing a business and life with Jesus
  • Freedom, Peace, Confidence, & Joy! (priceless) 

"Now I have a step by step method. So anytime I have those thoughts or a mindset block,   I know what to do with it. There's no more overwhelm or confusion because I have the tools."  -Brooke J.

I know Made to F.L.O.W. ™ works because...’s the same Biblical Brain-based teachings that helped me have more freedom than my 8-figure business gave me! It taught me how to align my body, heart, and soul to Truth and truly trust Jesus, receive God's love, and live in flow with the Holy Spirit. Now I not only flow with Him but I get to overflow into the people God has called me to serve. YOU!

Let me ask you this: Is it possible to live a life of abundance, peace, and joy as a high-achieving CEO? 



If you believe Jesus actually paid the price for you to live an abundant life and you know deep in your heart "on earth as it is in Heaven" is God's desire for you, give God your "YES!" today to optimize your Belief System and align your soul to prosper.

"May you prosper in all things and be in good health as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2


Frequently Asked Questions

If there’s anything else you’d like to ask, simply email me at [email protected]!